
Without our dedication to perfecting the audio experience, nothing else matters. We are audiophiles who want the best for ourselves and our customers. After so many years, listening sessions still bring a smile and a tapping foot. Professionals can count on the utmost in sound quality for production and mixing. This affords artists their ultimate expression.


A big part of our mission is to build quality that we can be proud of and that you will have confidence you can enjoy your audio journey for a long time to come. We also want to ensure that the resale value remains high. By using premium parts and ensuring quality through strict quality control standards, we can be confident that every customer will enjoy their entire experience.


We strive to build our products with a designer’s eye. We work with material and artistic experts to add that something extra to our products that help us to stand out in this space. A designer’s dream for integrating audio into your special living space.


To meet our product development aspirations, we continuously have to innovate. This is particularly evident in our focus on amplifier architecture, circuit topology, clean and reliable power supplies and our careful approach to miniaturization.


From our parts selection through our tooling we look to leverage the best with an eye on future proofing our products and methods. Integrated electronics and 3D modeling software help us streamline our designs, reduce errors while improving our ability to meet our design goals with every product.


In all audio systems it is critical to remove any weak links. Our amplifiers have the ability to bring out the best of your investments in DACs, headphones and cables. Driving headphones correctly means you get a wider soundstage, better placement of instruments and better control at the top and bottom of the audio spectrum.

We are proud to feature the electrostatic amplifiers aeras and a commissioned build of the “Kerry Built” legendary T2